Price: 37.95 GBP
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Drug-Free Sciatica Pain Relief. Introducing Sciatix, your solution to finding relief from persistent sciatica discomfort. This innovative acupressure band is classified as a medical device, utilizing the ancient remedy of acupressure to gently compress the critical point on the sciatic nerve. This targeted approach effectively reduces lower back pain and alleviates discomfort in the legs, making it a simple and easy-to-use solution that can be discreetly worn under clothing. Sciatix works quickly and conveniently accommodates all with its one-size-fits-all design. Say goodbye to sciatic nerve pain and embrace the comfort you deserve with Sciatix.Experience proven relief from sciatic nerve pain with Sciatix's adjustable acupressure band, designed to alleviate shooting pain during movement and reduce sharp aches extending from the lower back to the knee. Say hello to a more comfortable, pain-free life with Sciatix.
Disclaimer: Product information, including title, description, and images, is sourced/provided by our affiliate partner, Tower Health.
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