Price: 72.99 GBP
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Pawhut Wooden 90cm 2 Tiers Rabbit Hutch Aosom UK
Offer a cozy and warm home for your lovely furry pal with PawHut’s 2-tier rabbit hutch. This rabbit hutch features all-weather resistant material and solid construction. The upper area is designed for rest while the lower area offers more open design. Put the hutch at your backyard, your little rabbit can touch the grass with its own paws. With multiple window and doors, the hutch has the excellent air circulation. The tray can be pulled out for your easy cleaning. With PawHut’s rabbit hutch, your pets will have the happy world where they can hop around freely!Features: Craft of the painted fir wood for superior strength and durability Spacious room for up to three grown rabbits Pull-out tray for easy cleaning Waterproof asphaltic shingles for weather elements protection Excellent Ventilation with the multiple door and windows Easy to clean with a sliding out tray Simple and quick assembly is required
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