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Crimson Publishing Walks in Loch Lomond, The Trossach & Stirling - Guidebook 23
160 mile of breath-taking walking amid the stunning scenery of Loch Lomond National Park & Stirlingshire . . . Trek 28 stunning circular walks exploring Loch Lomond, The Trossach, and Stirling, with the OS Pathfinder Guidebooks - graded by length and ranging from 2 to 16 miles. The Trossachs are particularly spectacular when covered in autumn colours. Each route includes a detailed description, large-scale Ordnance Survey Map, GPS waypoints and key landscape and historical features to look out for on your walk. A great resource for locals and visitors alike.Walks in this guide include Ochil Hills, Loch Lomond itself, and the West Highland way - as well as Stirling and the gothic Wallace monument overlooking the scene of the Scottish Patriot's victory over Edward I.This is one of a series of books with great walking routes covering the most popular and scenic areas of Britain. Printed with weather-resistant covers featuring durable rounded corners, they are the perfect companion for country walking throughout Britain. Publication Date: 2019 Walks in this book: Killin and Loch TayGartmorn Dam Country ParkInversnaid and Rob Roy's CaveLochgoilhead and Donich WaterThe WhangieLoch ArdDumyatThe Fault TrailBen A'anAberfoyle and Doon HillSallochy WoodDunblane and Bridge of AllanStronachlachar and Loch ArkletDollar Glen and Glen QueyKirkton Glen and Rob Roy's GraveConic HillAn SidheanGleann AuchreochGlen LoinLoch Lomond and the West Highland WayBeinn Dubh and the Glen Striddle HorseshoeBen Vorlich (Loch EarnThe CobblerBen LediBen LomondGlen FinglasBen VenueBen Cleuch
Disclaimer: Product information, including title, description, and images, is sourced/provided by our affiliate partner, Ordnance Survey.
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