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Ordnance Survey OS Map of The Peak District - Dark Peak Area: Explorer OL1
The OS Explorer map of The Peak District: Dark Peak, is a must-have when visiting the Dark Peak Area of the Peak District.Famous for its vast exposed moorlands, waves of plateauing gritstone, feather bed bogs covered in cotton grass, and heather moors. Below the moorland are oak-birch woods and steep valleys covered in interlocking blocks of coniferous plantation - a picturesque place of tranquillity.Highlights of this map include: Kinder Scout, Bleaklow, Black Hill, and Ladybower Reservoir.Our OS Explorer maps are perfect for day-tripping, extensive hikes, and cycling. They come in both standard and Weatherproof Active, so you'll never get caught out in a storm.Standard Publication Date: 24/06/2019 Weatherproof Publication Date: 10/06/2019
Disclaimer: Product information, including title, description, and images, is sourced/provided by our affiliate partner, Ordnance Survey.
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