Price: 718.99 GBP
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iScooter iX6 1000W Off Road Electric Scooter
The ultimate all terrain electric scooter!. iScooter iX6 off road scooter starts a whole new perspective where a scooter could be the new sports equipment. The iX6 comes with a cyberpunk design concept and a structure that uses aircraft-grade magnesium alloy that can support a maximum payload of 150 kg. Safety is not an issue as the iX6 off road e scooter uses front and rear disc brakes on self-healing 11-inch pneumatic off road tires. The iScooter iX6 can accelerate up to 45 km/h and has a super long range of around 37 miles, making it the most powerful and best off road electric scooter ever released. This high-performance, high-tech model is sure to turn heads your way.
Disclaimer: Product information, including title, description, and images, is sourced/provided by our affiliate partner, iscooterglobal.
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