Price: 162.99 GBP
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Get your fitness into gear with this treadmill from HOMCOM, it helps you to get fit and increase your stamina. The LCD monitor on the front can also track your time elapsed, distance, speed and calories burnt, which will keep you more focused whilst working out. It is finished with an emergency button and safety key which immediately stops it moving when pressed from safety. The treadmill can also be fold and is equipped with two wheels so that it is easy for storage when not in use. A must-have for when you’re stuck indoors and want to keep active.nFeatures:Features:-Emergency switch and key to stop the power immediately for safetyLCD screen on the front displays time elapsed, distance, speed and calories burntFolding design for easy storage, with two wheels for smooth movementGreat for homes and officesMaximum load 90kg, easy to set up
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