Price: 52.99 GBP
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Outsunny 2.3m Patio Semi Round Half Parasol Umbrella with Metal Frame Crank Handle for Balcony- NO BASE INCLUDED, Brown
This balcony umbrella from Outsunny is perfect for those limited on space but want to enjoy the sun safely. The balcony sun umbrella will stand easily against flat walls without any gaps forming - ideal for balconies and small garden areas. The thick polyester canopy shielding heavy sun. This solar parasol is finished with a vent on the canopy, which allows air to pass through to prevent it overturning. Matching bases: Outsunny skus 84D-122, 84D-059, 84D-054 and 84D-050.Features:Metal structure is tough and sturdyCrank handle to open and close patio umbrella smoothlyHalf-cut design to stand against walls - perfect for smaller spacesTop vent to reduce build-up underneath the canopySuitable for balconies, small outdoor areas and small side streetsEasy to assemble
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