Price: 72.99 GBP
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HOMCOM 3-IN-1 Kids Swing and Slide Set with Basketball Hoop Slide Swing Adjustable Seat Height Toddler Playground Activity Center Indoor and Outdoor
Exhausted from searching for a 3-in-1 kids' swing and slide set? This toddler playground playset is a great gift for your child as the first slide in life will provide a never-ending adventure for your children! They can use it indoors or outdoors. Ladders provide a safe and easy challenge for children. The swing provides hours of fun. Through climbing, kids exercise the muscles of the limbs, and in the process of playing the slide, kids need to learn to improve coordination ability.Features: - 3-in-1 function, composed of a lengthened slide, a sturdy swing with widened seat, and a basketball hoop - The height of the swing is adjustable to adapt to different heights of babies - A non-slip pedal equipped on swing chair provides children with more comfort - Made of odourless and sturdy HDPE and PP - Stable pyramid mechanical structure with the water-fillable base - No tools required, and it's easy to assemble - Ideal for 18 months-3 years old kids - Assembly required
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