Price: 28.99 GBP
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Outdoor Research Men's Vigor Heavy Weight Sensor Gloves
The double-layered Vigor Heavyweight Sensor Gloves are the burliest option of Outdoor Research's ActiveTemp glove collection. Heralded as a cutting-edge "smart fleece," ActiveTemp is the thermo-regulating technology that adjusts to your body temperature to keep you cool, dry, and comfortable during high-exertion activities. And padded with details like a glove clip, anti-slip silicone grip, and touchscreen-compatible fingertips, the Vigor Sensor Gloves are sure to nail all of your performance requirements of functional fleece gloves. Key Features: Touchscreen Compatible Anti-Slip Silicone Pads on Palm and Fingers Glove Clip Tapered Wrist Double Layer Fleece Construction Breathable Wicking
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