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Ordnance Survey Ireland Map of County Mayo and Galway: OSI Discovery 37
OSI Discovery Sheet No. 37 covers part of County Mayo and Galway at a 1:50 000 scale and is designed for all sorts of leisure activities including walking, cycling and tourism. Features shown on the Discovery series include walking trails, cycle routes, forest parks and nature reserves. There is also tourist information such as campsites/caravan parks, youth hostels, tourist information offices, picnic places, standing stones, battlefields, golf courses and viewpoints. Available as a paper, folded map. Please see back cover image for the area covered. Format: Folded map Physical Size: 113 x 185 mm folded Publication Date: 01/07/2015
Disclaimer: Product information, including title, description, and images, is sourced/provided by our affiliate partner, Ordnance Survey.
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