Price: 122.03 GBP
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Epson Ceiling Mount (Low profile) - ELPMB30
This low-profile ceiling mount allows your Epson projector (Business EB-G series and Home Cinema series EH-TW6100 & TW9100) to be fully integrated into any environment without drawing attention to cables or the mount itself providing the ideal solution to install your projector for a perfect viewing position. With this new low-profile ceiling mount you can present to classrooms watch movies and play video games easily without worrying about where to set up.Using the ELPMB30 your Epson projector can be easily adjusted to ensure you get the optimum picture for your viewing pleasure. With three adjustment modes you can easily and efficiently move your projector side-to-side up-and-down and horizontally whenever you want.Packed with a white cover it can be added to the ceiling mount itself if you want to match the colour of the ceiling with your white projector.
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